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4 Respite Carer Myths: BUSTED!

Myth #1: Respite carers must be Singaporean citizens

We have a pretty diverse pool of respite carers in our Sanctuary Care family, all hailing from different parts of the world. The only clause is that you will need to be in Singapore for at least the next year. Otherwise, as long as you fit the criteria and are found to be suitable, we would be most happy to have you on board!

Myth #2: I need to be rich to provide respite care

You don’t have to be affluent to respite carer. Generally, if you can financially support your own family and be responsible for your own children, you can consider becoming a foster parent. In fact, at Sanctuary Care, we cover some of the additional financial expenditure by supplying diapers and milk powder if the child needs them and also help out with transporting the children to where they need to be.

Myth #3: Only younger parents are suitable for respite care

Nonsense! Old is gold as they say. To us, if you are able to provide a safe home environment and are able to care for a child, we aren't one to say no. As long as you meet the criteria, we at Sanctuary Care welcomes your application.

In fact, one of the most common profile of respite carer is the ‘empty nester’. The empty nester is a parent whose own children have grown up and left home. Providing respite care is an excellent way for them to still take care of children at home and at the same time give back to the community by helping those in need of a little support.

Myth #4: Children in respite care are bad and hard to handle

We know that there are no bad children. Without a doubt, going into respite or foster care and being separated from their family, no matter how short a time that may be, can be traumatic for any child.

Think back to when your child first went to daycare or preschool. Do your remember how your child reacted to a strange new place with strange new people? Did every child react the same way? Chances are, some children would have stayed quiet, while some would be scared and cry, or even start wailing for their parents. Well, the same goes for children faced with going to a respite carer's. Each child will react quite differently, and some may initially be difficult to handle as they do not quite know what to make of the situation.

And therein lies the answer! Helping the child make sense of the situation, building trust with the child. It’s rather like a new relationship — trust needs to be earned. Helping the child recognize that you are trustworthy and that he/she is here till mummy and daddy are able to pick him/her up (sounds alot like daycare doesn't it?) goes a long way with helping him/her settle in.

Get tips from our veteran respite carers on managing new children in care: LINK


Interested in learning more about respite care? Head on over to 4 Respite Care myths: BUSTED!

Interested to be a respite carer? Check out our criteria for being a respite carer!


Disclaimer: The information contained on Sanctuary Care website is for general information purposes only. Sanctuary Care is a service by Boys' Town and Boys' Town assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents on the Service. In no event shall Boys' Town be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service or the contents of the Service. Boys' Town reserves the right to make modification, additions or deletions to the contents on the Service at any time without prior notice. Boys' Town does not warrant approval for all applications, as each full application is subjected to evaluation and assessment by a review panel in meeting the specified criteria.

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